Looking for information about feral deer management in your area?

Each of Australia’s states and territories has their own legislation and organisations responsible for assisting landholders in managing feral deer. Below, you will find resources for each state and territory. 

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
ACT Natural Resource ManagementPest Plants and Animals Act 2005
ACT Government – Environment, Planning and Sustainable DevelopmentNature Conservation Act 2014
Environmental Protection Act 1997

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and WaterBiosecurity Act 2015Australian Pest Animal Strategy (2017- 2027)
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and ForestryEnvironmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
NSW Department of Primary Industries – feral deerNSW Biosecurity Act 2015NSW Biosecurity Strategy 2013-2021Managing feral deer in NSW
Local Land Services – Feral deer controlBiosecurity Regulation 2017Regional strategic pest animal managementSummary – Feral deer in NSW
Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002Report feral deer sightings to the Local Land Services
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
NSW Local Land Services Act 2013
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Northern Territory GovernmentTerritory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1976

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Business Queensland – Restricted Invasive animalsBiosecurity Act 2014Queensland feral deer management strategy 2022-27Restricted Invasive pests in QLD
Local councilsLand Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002Check with local councils for feral deer management plans in your area

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Department of Primary Industries (PIRSA) – Feral deer eradication programLandscape South Australia Act 2019Strategic plan for the South Australian feral deer eradication program 2022 – 2032
Management of feral deerLandscape South Australia Regulations 2020South Australian feral deer policy
Landscape South Australia – 9 regionsNational Parks and Wildlife Act 1972

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Department of Natural Resources and Environment TasmaniaVermin Control Act 2000Wild fallow deer management Plan projectGame Services Tasmania
Nature Conservation (wildlife) Regulations 2021Parks and Wildlife Tasmania – Deer Control Project 2023-2024
Nature Conservation Act 2002
Wildlife (General) Regulations 2010

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Department Energy, Environment and Climate ActionNational Parks Act 1975Victorian Deer Strategy (2020)Victorian deer control community network
Catchment Management AuthorityFlora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988Parks Victoria – Deer
Local council feral deer programsWildlife Act 1975Game Management Authority
Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2012
National Parks Act 1975
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994

Contacts and resourcesLegislationStrategies and deer management plansUseful links
Department of Primary Industries and Regional DevelopmentAgricultural and Related Resources Protection Act 1976Fallow and Red deer: requirements and conditions to keepRusa deer pest alert
Recognised Biosecurity Groups (RBGs)Biosecurity and Agricultural Management Act 2007Aerial surveys to aid feral deer controlFallow and Red deer keeping conditions
Wildlife Conservation Act 1950

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