
Effectiveness of different herbivore exclusion strategies for restoration of an endangered rainforest community


  • Herbivores significantly impede forest regeneration post weed invasion.
  • Wire cages and fenced exclosure plots protect tree seedlings better than plastic guards.
  • Herbivore exclusion with fenced exclosures facilitates passive forest regeneration.
  • Native browsers may be as important as alien herbivores in limiting forest recovery.
  • Optimal forest restoration must consider herbivore impacts and plant resilience.


Find paper here: Effectiveness of different herbivore exclusion strategies for restoration of an endangered rainforest community – ScienceDirect



Hussain Nilar, Kimberly Maute, Michelle J. Dawson, Richard Scarborough, Jill Hudson, John Reay, Ben Gooden,

Effectiveness of different herbivore exclusion strategies for restoration of an endangered rainforest community,

2019, Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 435, pp. 18-26.

ISSN 0378-1127,

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