Community Project Resources|

Developed by Cornell University Human Dimensions Research Unit. 

This guide, developed by Cornell University’s Department of Natural Resources’ Human Dimensions Research Unit, and Natural Resources Extension is intended to help community leaders, as well as wildlife professionals and educators, recognize the important components of a community-based deer management plan.

If you are planning on writing a community-based deer management plan, then this guide is intended to provide you with the information you need to do so effectively.

At the end of this guide, the intention is that you will be able to:

  • Identify and describe the main elements of a community-based
    deer management plan
  • Evaluate deer management plans
  • Feel confident that you may apply what you’ve learned for
    developing a plan of your own


Read more and access more resources through the links below:

How to Create a CBDM Plan | Community Deer Advisor (

What is CBDM? | Community Deer Advisor (

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